The Namaste Network ...

... is an ever-expanding group of like-minded people who believe that we co-create our lives with Spirit and that through developing and nurturing this connection, we are able to live to our highest potential and BE the change we wish to see in our world!

We are all looking for our Soul Tribe and others who share our vision for a more peaceful and harmonious world.

My vision for The Namaste Network is for it to be:

1) An online community where we can all share our inspiration, guidance and wisdom on all things health/wellness/spirituality related, through a daily newsletter. Or perhaps we might have a good news story to share, which highlights the very best of the human spirit!

(If you think you would like to write something for the newsletter, just email me at I think around 350 words is a good target length.)

2) An opportunity to share with the online community any heart-centred initiatives which we hear about in our local area (currently Ottawa and surrounding area).

3) An opportunity to meet in person with members of the community. At this point, the meeting place is in Perth, Ontario ... but in time I hope there will be several different meet-up groups in many locations!

If you'd like to join our community, please just enter your email address in the footer section below (on the right hand side where it says "Keep in the loop with us here!"